Marnie’s tour of local schools - Eden Arts

Towford Harmarnie has visited 7 Schools in the locality of Cumbria, in the last few weeks and now has a break until mid February when we go to Brough and Shap schools.

Marnie has been brought down straight from the in-bye, apart from two nights stops, thank you so much Jenny, as there was a early start at a school. Marnie has really been part of the team and enjoyed meeting all the children. She has stood quietly with David and let me explain how she lives on the fell, looking at her coat washed clean by the rain and how her long hair protects her from the wet and the wind. We answered questions about her size and how nature has made her native kind over thousands and thousands of years and the history of her life of how it would have been in the past. I do hope with Marnie's help the Epona project by Eden Arts brings more incite and interest for the children and teachers of how important these native ponies are to Cumbria and too the future they carry with them, both humans and Fell Ponies.

Yesterday after visiting Kirby Stephen Grammar School she went back to her group of fellow mares, in the rain again.


School visits & Students


The Birkett Bank Fell Ponies - T. W. Relph & Sons Ltd